In July, we launched AI-PGF as a proactive grants program designed to be replaced by the AI-enabled funding agents it supports. Beyond a program, AI-PGF represents a movement and a new field exploring ways to automate funding at the intersection of Web3 and AI. This initiative aims to reduce overhead and realize the vision of builders automatically receiving funding for impactful projects. Ultimately, we seek to develop a "Funding AGI" capable of initiating funding programs, evaluating projects, and allocating resources more effectively than the most skilled grant manager/capital allocator.



Major grant programs spend 10-20% of their budget on operations, amounting to billions in the crypto industry. These funds often go toward menial tasks that can be automated (RFP writing, application filtering, due diligence, proposal feedback, KYC, project traction, etc.). We aim to reduce these costs while maximizing ecosystem growth. By building autonomous, self-improving funding systems, we can dramatically shift focus from asking for and giving money to providing the world with value.

As the field of public goods funding progresses, it's challenging to understand parts of the process and integrate different mechanisms and rules in a composable manner. Context is a major issue. A lack of context for programs, updates, and projects increases overhead and hinders full context awareness about projects.

While we're in the experimentation phase—creating various “games,” rules, and mechanisms—our ultimate goal is to ensure the most effective teams are funded swiftly and aligned with the funder to build what their respective ecosystem needs and scale accordingly. Our mission isn't to build the most seemingly "democratic" funding system, but rather to create one that's competitive with Web2 in speed, pricing, and results—a system anyone can use and deploy themselves.

💗 Values

🧑‍🦯 Accessibility

Ability to access this code even with the elimination of centralized entities. Open API, freemium, and open source

🧩 Customizability

Able to plug and play existing components into existing systems, and deploy AI-PGF into your own system

🛍️ Market Competitiveness

Solution offers cheaper and more effective funding alternatives with a wide array of contributors

♻️ Iteration & Improvement

Constantly experiment, improve, and integrate.

🎯 Objectives

Imagine a world where you get funded automatically as you build something users want. In this world, your track record of ideas, execution, hard work, and ecosystem impact would automatically bring you the funding and opportunities needed to take your startup to the next level.